Do you have a 7-figure business with a $1,500-$50,000 offer you’d like to sell more of? If so…

For the Right Business, I'll 100% Fund Sales Campaigns
and Do ALL the Work to Add $25k-$100k/Month
to Your Gross Revenue...

There's NO Upfront Cost to You
and You'll Only Pay Me If I'm Successful.

Here's How It Works

1. Tell Us What You Sell

Simply tell me what kind of product you sell and the target market you sell to.

2. I‘ll Write Your Sales Emails

I’ll use my proprietary process to craft you irresistible sales emails that don’t suck.

3. I Map Out Your Sequencing

I’ll give you a blueprint on when to trigger each email to send based on timing and behaviors.

4. You Press Send and Profit

I’ll give you the copy and sequencing map on a silver platter. You just upload to your email service provider, press send and profit.

The Business I'm Looking to Partner With...

The Guarantee

If you don’t add 10-50 students to your online course or coaching program within 30 days of working with me, you pay nothing…and I’ll keep working until I get you to it.

Why am I doing this?

Because I’m so confident in my ability to deliver on my promise, so I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.

If I don’t deliver, you shouldn’t pay. Simple as that.

If that sounds fair to you then…

Meet The Founder

We both know there are a million and one agencies out there making BIG promises, asking for thousands of dollars upfront and expecting clients to take on all the risk.

I’m different. I’m an investor. I’m not looking for clients or fast money upfront.

I want to partner with the right businesses and I’m willing to put my money up if I believe in your mission.

I’ll front all the expenses, my virtual sales team will close all the deals, and I only get paid after the money hits your account.

Not every campaign is successful, but my partners have never lost a penny because there’s absolutely NO upfront costs to them.

Your partner,

Jay Immanuel

Want 100% Funded Sales Campaigns
Without Paying a Penny Upfront?


What is is a pay-per-performance marketing firm that 100% funds and manages sales campaigns to enroll people into your $1.5k-$50k offers.

We only get paid when YOU get paid.

How much does it cost?

We only get paid a piece of the direct revenue we bring you AFTER it’s sitting in your bank account.

Every business is different, so we structure our agreements on a case-by-case basis.

Is there really no money required upfront?

There is no upfront cost to you. I am investing money, time, years of expertise and more into your business if I believe in your mission.

Are there any long-term contracts? 

No. We can work together for as long (or short) as you’d like.